So this week is Easter week. This morning I was thinking about the week leading up to Jesus' crucifixion. As a mother I thought about Mary and how she must have felt. To see her son beaten, mocked and hung on a cross. How many times did she want to intervene and beg them to stop? How many tears did she cry? I can't imagine the pain she must have felt. I can see her kneeling at the foot of the cross crying and remembering herself in the manger holding Jesus as a tiny baby. I think in that moment she was probably wishing for that manger again when she could protect Jesus from all the hurt and danger. Through all the hurt and pain she knew in her heart that what was happening had to be done. That her son, Jesus was saving the world.
I thought about Jesus and the sacrifice he made so that we could have eternal life. As he walked that journey to the place he would be crucified he didn't complain or call for help. Instead he took every one of those stripes and beating for us.
I wonder on that 3rd day what those guards thought when that tomb was rolled away and Jesus stepped out alive. I'm sure their were in shock and disbelief because they thought evil had won. Little did they know that victory was on its way.
I'm so thankful that God loved us so much that He sent His son to die in our place and that our sins are washed away and we can have eternal life. And that by each stripe upon Jesus' back we can have healing.
I am loving the blog!! You are such a wonderful mother and wife. I enjoy watching you and your family. Happy Blogging!!! I love you!!!